design concept ideas?
Masters in Costume Design Programs?
Fellow lesbians, what perfume/cologne do you use?
Can I take a poll on age?
Bros before hoes
The L-Word quotes that live in my head rent free
Coquette/feminine girlies - where do you shop aside from Brandy?
I can’t tell if this is cute or not
you otw to the r/glossier x balm dot critters giveaway (us only)! 🌷
🍒 it’s cherry season 🍒
Lucas in Dan and Phil's new TikTok reaction video
major iso: anoraknid black spider- please help!
my bdc collection
where are you sitting?
How can I get this damn otter tree baby before i cry from my gambling addiction
How do I stop feeling so terrible when my boyfriend doesn’t want sex
Brandy look alikes
dream bdc flavors….
bdc 😝 pls don’t rob ✌️
Which medication are you currently on?
My BDC Tier List Rankings!
made an updated bdc flavor tier list
What went wrong with GenQ?
people are surprised about the 2 singles released by the end of 2024 lol