I thought AMC and similar stocks were supposed to behave inverse of the market. Why are they following suit?
Former OW Players, Who Were Your Mains Before Rivals (& Mains in Rivals?)
why has "its qp" became synonymous with "i'm going to ignore the objective of the game"
TIFU by realizing my chronic medical issue was my fault, and a pedicure helped me solve it.
What's your theory that you can't prove, but that you think might hold up if someone were to do some real, legitimate research on it?
We need more vanguards, so i made one (Doctor Octopus)
Not OOP: TIFU by realizing my chronic medical issue was my fault, and a pedicure helped me solve it.
People who grew up with wealth, what was your "I'm privileged" wake up call?
Not OOP. TIFU by realizing my chronic medical issue was my fault, and a pedicure helped me solve it. TW: ...feet