Said this and ghosted me after
For my boys - what’s the most number of matches you have got in a single day?
Any chances of survival?
When you compliment the outfit but she wants to skip to the after-party.
Bro, she didn’t unmatch after this… I think I’m in. 😎
GOT Meme
An engineer created growable ice towers to help combat droughts in the Himalayas.
I analysed swipe data of 24 people that is being posted on this sub.
My Life Feels Like The Rom-Com
Is there a site?
Found one in the wild
Happy 11 year anniversary Jamal
Today i've made some epic Pokémon GO Snapshots in Cologne, at the indoor garden of the St. Maria in Capitol church, near the place, where i live.
Dude asked for a free gold plated PS5
What’s your childhood mystery that you finally solved years later?
How would you feel about a friend with benefits, but instead of sexual benefits they make all of these unoriginal parody posts disappear?
Your username becomes a real being with a human mind and it spawns in your house, what is the outcome ?
Glad to see humor isn’t dead
Demotivational notebook quote
A quote from my new notebook
Impressive football skills
It was a dog...
The story of me, and a Slakoth.
Shiny Totodile live