FUCK no 😅😂😂😂
Yıllar önce Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın üniversite diplomasındaki çelişkilerden bahseden bir yazı okumuştum. Şimdi bulamadım. O yazıyı bilen varsa paylaşabilir mi?
Average UK uni halls
Teslas burning in Las Vegas
Our company is having a work-life balance presentation during our lunch break.
I just wanted to read some comments
This is a new low for sapphire. I cancelled my subscription a while ago but this is just insane. I wouldve never expect HER to do this type of shit.
İstanbul University has revoked the diploma of Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu, a move that could prevent him from running in Turkey’s next presidential election scheduled for 2028.
This AH listening to videos on his phone at full volume on the morning commute, dispute being asked twice to stop.
It told me the serving size was 3 squares
Hit a deer three days after dropping insurance down.
Official Baddies Africa Auditions Trailer
Ekrem İmamoğlu pazarda halkla buluştu: "Milletin duaları ve samimiyetiyle değişim geliyor"
fb woman asking for nudes. Doesn’t take no for an answer
This public playground in Germany
I hope I don’t run into a huge tractor close to my appointment time- oh wai- 😒
Rescuers Save A Dog That Was Trapped On A Bridge
what my brother made for me
This olive tree, which is at least 1500 years old, is called the "tree of thoughts" by locals. It is located in Ginosa, Puglia, Italy.
Bockwurst mit Brötchen, 2,40€, HEM Tankstelle Lychen
"Just know God loves you" I feel so bad for Slim :( They wanted to break her!
Every dish my fiance "washes" looks like this.
This guy's baked potato chips
I heard someone say they wanted "real, lived" fridges.
Bratwurst mit Bratkartoffeln, Bäckerei Fehrmann, Dresden - 8,50€