I’m trying so hard and all my grades are below 85
15f Indian, American Public school ask me literally anything no filter
Can someone in my time zone add me on socials, I need distractions from life.
What’s y’all fav songs I wanna rate
Drop your favorite song and I'll rate it
Tell me your name and I’ll add it on my shirt
How did yall feel about this
Just ranted to my sophomore friend about my school issues. I feel like this
Since it's international woman's day, who is your favorite female character in the show and why?
Gonna cried my bf called my fat arms biceps 😢🙏 he’s a devoted gym 🐀This was the picture btw
I’m buying the AP microeconomics exam since my school doesn’t offer it. Any self study tips? (Resources, imp units,etc)
Gimmie y’all’s favorite songs and I’ll lyk if you can hop on Aux
My man won’t play Roblox w me :(
Hasn’t even been 24 hours since we got back together for the 6th time and he’s already hurting me😪🖕
Struggling with school?I’ll help
Please take my AP research Survey! (Less than 5 min)
Since My school doesn’t offer AP ECONOMICS ( either of them) Is it a good idea to buy and take the exam? Is it worth it?
How do you say potato in your language? 🥔
Why isn’t a 100+ old vampire w a 16 year old girl considered pedophila 😰
My mark
Which G&G teen character were your most like during high school?
How to make money :(