7.2x Schedule
Admissions Megathread
Getting rejected from 3 of my 5 universities for PhD study
A matriarch's rise to power
What Would You Do if You Were Reincarnated as Rashta from Remarried Empress?
Navier isn't fully a good person and Rashta Ishka is very much a victim
What do you think about Christina season 4?
my husband is mad that i did a lingerie photoshoot, aitah?
Any word from Yale Preview Days 2024?
PSA - How to not get tipped by tourists in Prague as a waiter.
Got wifi
So How You Think a Modern Day Sequel to Demon Slayer Would be like?
The correct way to propose.. 🐔 🐥
WIBTA if I go to my younger daughter's wedding?
What was married sex life like before birth control?
Jihoon speaks out
AITA for calling the cops when my bf's sister left her children with me for a few days which ended with her getting a felony charge?
AITA for not wanting to be a parent to two orphaned kids?
AITA for refusing to sell the place I bought with "stripper money"?
My (23M) fiancee (23F) won't let me upstairs in our semi-newly purchased home and I'm starting to get really suspicious