elderly women swooning over trump.
get assets out of a dungeondraft pack
Nearly 100 whales stranded on a beach in Tasmania are going to be euthanised after rescuers were unable to get the animals back in water.
Please help on how to use the chips
Best air-only skill?
how’s my load out?
I debunked the whole Noah's Ark thing today.
$2000 for every day you spend inside your home/appartment without leaving, How many days would you do?
How do you calculate 18 x 7 in your head?
Quick! You have to prepare a one-shot from scratch within 15 minutes!
The anatomy of conjoined twins Brittany and Abby
Please try to play faster.
Europe and America will increasingly come to diverge into 2 different internets. Meta is abandoning fact-checking in the US, but not the EU, where fact-checking is a legal requirement.
AIO for moving my (30F) bday party when my friend’s fiance (42M) threatened to not let her go unless he could show up with her?
How would a party ever defeat a dragon?
I"m a new player, i had a disagreement/argument with my DM google says i'm right but he says i'm wrong what do you think?
People with ADHD what are the things about it that people just don’t get?
This has been above my house for about 5 months. What is it?
Iranian women standing in front of a hijab poster
Logical Syllogisms for God
Why DON’T you fear death?
Atheist but makes people uncomfortable.
Does this count?
Please if someone out there, get this man bankrupt already.
I don’t ever remember believing in a god.
Somebody stood on my school iPad while it was in my bag and now I need to pay for a new one