Letting go technique and pregnancy
Does it get worse before it gets better?
New house
Femme Ridder cosplay (self)
Clarification on Dr. David Hawkins' 11 Days of Letting Go
Question about green screen keyer in FCP
Do you listen to any guided letting go meditations on YouTube or elsewhere? If so, which ones?
How can you actually let go?
Level of peace - 600 in Star Trek
Falling into a time of sadness, regret, and shame. Any encouragement to help me keep going with the letting go technique is helpful.
What physical features do you find the most attractive?
Am I the problem? Will I be missing out on a good thing?
Can you bypass/jump feelings on the map of consciousness scale?
Looking for a mentor in Letting Go
What's your unpopular opinion when it comes to Shanghai?
Online dating in Shanghai
I was just hungry ❤️
If you're an expat creative writer in Shanghai, I've got the group for you
Indie Movie theaters in Shanghai?
Poison Ivy by Tiana aka villaindreamskits
1 second video lag in 1-2 clips after importing into FCP
Every time I read power of now I get incredibly horny
Having a hard time using Astrill + Instagram in China right now. Anyone else?