Has Breaking Points Viewer Sentiments Shifted?
What is a complete waste of money?
What do you hate most about people in general?
What's something you never understood about the opposite gender?
What’s an adult confession you’d never tell your family?
Saagar Critical Of The Trump…Again.
DFF is Lazy
Redditors over 25, what’s your best relationship advice?
how you guys go to sleep after nightmare?
What's something that shows up a lot in your dreams?
What is a real historical event that would sound completely fake if it were part of a movie?
What’s something small that someone did, that changed your dating standards forever?
What does the ideal dating app look like for you?
Which show started 10/10 and ended 10/10?
What’s your take on Tim walz 2028?
Federal summons (two days or one trial) - What are the odds you get called to appear on the second day if you don't get called to appear on the first day?
Why is BreakingPoints channel not growing as much ?
What is that one brand you think is overrated?
People too young to remember these decades, what about the 1970s and 1980s blows your mind the most?
I'm concerned this sub is being brigaded.
How do some very red states (like Kansas & Kentucky) have blue governors?
Saagar supporting masking because HE got the flu
What’s Needed to Turn the Right
If you could give your younger self one piece of dating advice, what would it be?
What’s the weirdest conspiracy theory that actually makes sense?