Getting my endorsement soon and looking at a KLX300SM? Is this a good first bike?
4 days in Reno with my gf. What do we do?
What product to you use for a wavy perm?
Looking to buy a reloading kit or pieces of a kit that works for .308, 223, 9m, and 7.62x39.
Police or sheriff department that accepts color blind on red green?
Color blind. Cant be a police officer. Cant be a detective. What can I do?
How many inch KC gravity light bar should I get to go across the roof of my 4runner?
Talking to Americans vs Aussies in social culture
How did you do your Aussie tax return?
Oregonians must spend almost $10K more a year to maintain 2019 living standard, study says
Anyone left accounting and found something better?
Tyrese had a tirade on the 'Asian hate crime bill' as he call it.
What's the biggest thing you had to give up moving to Australia / America, and how did it make you feel?
Lifelong Senior Accountants that never moved up. What do hiring managers think of them?
How do you see Australia in the next 30 years with migration patterns? I’m keen to hear real insight/analytical views.
Why do so many Indians/pakistani fake their accent depending where they live? Ie. USA/Australia/UK?
Is it weird to hold my shit in all day or just WFH lunch onwards to release? Or is this standard for the Accounting industry at large?
Has anyone pivoted away from accounting to a more operational focused department?
Do you want the future of the franchise to have human+locust coexisting? I could imagine the future villain being a human and locust faction, and our main human characters will have to form a faction with some group of locusts as well.
I quit a match the moment I get killed by a lancer.
Would you rather the the only male in a female workplace or the only female in a male workplace?
Pay disparity: Canada vs USA
Polo shirt at work, tucked in or untucked?
Has anyone made the jump from accounting to construction management?
Government urged to fast-track visas for migrant accountants