How bad is Ornn as a blind pick ?
Lubricant and some DIY advice
How to be motivated to play?
inconsistency? help!
Does fasting senna still work?
Tip for uncut: use a piece of folded paper
Why is it so hard to find a nice little femboy butt to snack on?
Proper Training . . . [M/M] (tofu froth) 💗
Is it too much to ask for a cute boy to play games with and fuck?
i’m done with this game man
Soo .. I have 65% winrate with Bel Veth over the last 20 games, but I'm consistently the worst person in the team damage-wise — I'm talking like 19k damage for a 40 minute game. Is this normal?
Please end me.
Saros Gameplay teaser
Petah??? I am not sharp-eyed
How sharp are jsharts eyes?
This is some reverse psychology bull' being pulled by the bots now
[Request] Is the satellite actually pointing at land? Or it it just perspective?
You may fire when ready
When to go grasp vs arey vs electrocute?
Why jungle?
How to do damage
True damage senna, still bad?
ok how long till we get a gacha slop skin
best ad build atm?
whats the community opinion on statue of karthus? just got the skin and have no clue if im lucky or unlucky.
I am Korean and Why there is No Jhin skin ?
Forgot I drove to the pharmacy and walked home. Realized 10 feet from my house