Army - 10/36 and how to add more recruits?
Empire in Ruins (help)
“Manor Lords is a waste of time”
[KCD2] A fountain??
I’m sorry, fried WHAT!? [KCD2]
Do you need to be very technology/software savvy to be a civil engineer.
That’s quite far
Greater Daemon Statistics for 4e?
I know you all probably get asked this a million times a day, but is anything good in here? Thank you
I made Portugal's Coat of Arms
Finished legionary
Using WFRP 4E to not play Warhammer
How important is the core rulebook?
Melee (not grouped) skill?
Granary is full, marketplace is empty
First of the Gellerpox Infected (C/C welcome)
Got tired of painting humans. Started painting human-adjacents
Useful readings for a new player
It had to be done (no voting necessary)
Im planning a campaign and one of my players want to make a pirate/bard character, i've been looking through sartosa lore, but i don't know how i can work with the bard part, ¿Some kind of Manann priest that uses a lot more music for their rituals?
First mock battle -- question about wizards casting while engaged
After painting 60 clan rats and much more, someone has informed me that no, Skaven to not in fact, have little pink noses.
Gun to the Head Scenario
Ideas for this turn?