Yeah science bi*chhh
It's Marketing
Doggo knows best
Insomnia and my brain can’t shut itself off
A tip for those lucky enough to have Benzos (for WD’s only)
Is this what you heathens crave?
Memory gone
I feel attacked
They're really having the time of their lives
me during the summer season
He stopped for a school bus but the drivers around him weren’t paying attention
An unusual traffic stop
How to burn & season a wok
Is this secondary burn?
Installed this button that does nothing before selling my car. AMA
Doors not unlocking
Someone stole my truck key while I was doing CPR on someone on a sidewalk.
Man freaks out and spits on driver during a road rage incident
A man loves his peanut butter
Two woodstoves on same chimney?
Aura power steering
had motor replaced 5k ago and it's having various electrical problems
Am I deranged?
Guess I’m not making the kids cinnamon rolls today…