If you can get one emote from any bundle which would it be?
Me and my gf
Random Map I Found On r/brasil, I Think It Was Meant To Be The Countries In BRICS
I finally did it…
These three items cost me $23 in total this morning.
I picked up this map in Tokyo and I love it 🗾
Goodreads Friends Megathread
ROBLOX Postal Pal Magnet from 2010
Watch your mouth or watch your back
Can we just get rid of the Winner’s Circle all together?
Problems with Monster Promo
Is there a historical explanation to why humans started putting rings typically on the 4th finger (ring finger)?
How do I start the VA disability claim process? From step one, Barney style. Do I get lawyers involved before anything? If so, suggestions on firms?
Are there any YouTubers that come close to Outdoor Boys? I’ve finished nearly all of his videos.
Not Feeling the Release Maps
BO6 Multiplayer Maps 👎🏻
The horror genre is intellectually barren and it's the fans' fault.
Marine corps
Trails/hikes that are easily accessible by Metro?
Door Ajar Warning Keeps Going Off for Passenger Side Door
29(M) 200lbs->145lbs / 11 months
The "system" will never collapse, neither will the US economy.
At night, do you ever hear trains? Even though you don’t live near any tracks.
Everything is too loud