Pick one for me to get for 3rd legendary (ideas for my next brawler)
How do I study for these subjects? (I have a school iPad for flashcards and notes and past papers)
Guys how do I study for my GCSEs?
Guys what app is this guys using? (I wanna use it to study so pls help)
Just figured out how many days it would take to unlock all brawler with BP+ and pro pass (not including additional rewards or mastery or trophy road)
I just got my first max tier what’s yours?
How do I ask out my crush?
is a 11 (male) 14 (female) age gap weird?
I’m finally of age
A kid got arrested and expelled at my school.
Is 12 and 15 an ok age gap?
Why do people have such high body counts
My brawl stars account (add me if u wanna play) ive been playing around 3 months
How do I max tier stu? I keep tilting
I can’t decide…
Any tips on how to grind mastery on low power brawlers?
Should I move out or am I over exaggerating?
Name a game
Where will you hide it?
Comment on this post if your a nonce
I need more maxed out brawlers for ranked, and ladder, what should I get?
Can people please give me feedback on my video (: ?
These are my ranked brawlers (im in mythic) what 3 other brawlers do I need while im tryna get legendary
Can anyone give me tips to get legendary? Also these are the ranked brawlers I have:
I just found the most underrated YouTuber ever! How does bro only have 50 views in 1 hour!