People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
Baked potato chips came out looking like used condoms
Scar treatment
Can anyone recommend any therapists of know where I could look to access them?
I feel ick over myself
Seriously Perth, Why Are Roofers So Hard to Book?! 12 Months & Still Leaking!
Am I wrong to reimburse
AITA for wearing an engagement looking ring?
Laid back bar where I won’t need to yell to be heard?
Uber drivers always on the phone
People who cook most of their meals at home, what do you normally make?
HBF 12k RUN- can you stop and walk?
Is the private school price tag worth it?
If there was only one skincare brand you could buy for the rest of your life what would you commit yourself to?
Cadbury Rum&Raisin had 1 raisin and MarvellousCreations had no popping candy or jellies.
Worker scanned own loyalty card on my purchase
Coles asking for donations.
Scratched Sclera?
For those who grew up in Australia, what is one smell that immediately takes you back to your childhood?
Ex boyfriend harassing me
French fries are chips, then what do Aussie's call potato chips as?
How will they get the crane out of there?
AITA for not dating a single dad, even if he's a victim?
Found This Guy Thrown Away Like Trash. Help With a Name!
angler fish spotted swimming vertically to the surface on the coast of Tenerife 😱