For those who have made the move - what is your employment situation?
Why are there so many airline crashes in the USA all of a sudden?
Do those who voted for Trump and Subsequently Fired by him Deserve Empathy?
Print fail because axis shift mid-print.. why?
is there anything crunchy, sweet, and full of protein?
Show us your printing set ups
2021 cargo space w/all seats down - DIMENSIONS?
What are the best tasting protein bars?
90's kids -- what did your mom make for dinner growing up that you haven't had in ages? What isn't a common dinner any more?
After a recent study found 1 in 8 men under 35 admit to taking condoms to funerals "just in case", what's your experience with this?
I turned down a job offer circa 8 months ago. I sometimes regretted declining it... they just posted the same vacancy again. Should I reach out to the hiring manager or is there literally no point?
I am not ready for the 2024 election chaos
Does eating 1500 a day include exercise?
lazy 115g protein day, 1530 cal
Savory oats with bone broth, sautéed mushrooms, and fried egg. 330 cal, 27g protein
Anyone find a way to escape the modern world?
Plaid button downs for pear shaped body?
Best Improvements with $15k
Is bathing suit cameltoe gross, attractive, or just a part of life?
binge eating
A girl approaches you and says, "pretend we’re friends. I’m being followed." What would you do?
For those that knows how to curb your cravings, TEACH ME PLEASE.
Baratza Encore or Fellow Ode
Wages see biggest three-month jump in 20 years
Advice on where to shop? I've made weight loss progress and no idea where smaller sized bodies shop.