Ask me anything and I'll respond as Team Cherry
Should i kms for liking Veilguard?
They don’t even know half of it
"We are born of the silksanity.. made men by the silksanity.. undone by the silksanity"
If Silksong IS at the Switch 2 Direct I'll go bald
For those who still beLIEve, the tweets mean nothing...
Can someone help me with this wordle, i don't realy get it
New William Pellen tweet, can anyone check if it can be connected to April 2nd
With that being said, I'm going all in.
elden ring fans after experiencing 0.01% of the jerking DS2 receives
Would someone please give me an extensive breakdown of the lore of the e31131 guy or smth like that?
[ALL HOLLOW KNIGHT BACKERS] There might be a way to (respectfully) get news from Team Cherry directly.
A backer has posted a new comment on the Hollow Knight kickstarter page.
quick microtip for users of this subreddit!
They're deleting Dark Souls 3... been praying for times like these🙏
Where were you when GERM's movie flopped? Why didn't you see it?
Mf’s throw the biggest fit when a wall is a different shade of brown in the remake
It’s like drunkenly wading through a pool of molasses
277k Nobody
what the fuck was his problem?
Resetting expectations :
Modern art rule
Does anyone remember Milksong (circa August 2019)
Fake Lore creators when the game comes out
r/shittydarksouls users when the joke just doesn't CLICK