Where to get mine from?
Meal recommendations for the first week?
Is it normal for employers to ask you to unpaid (extensive) assignments as part of the interview process?
My wife [34F] is spiraling and I [36M] am tired of covering for her. I need her to get her weight under control, but we've been down this road before and it always eventually falls apart. How can I help her see I'm serious and salvage this?
do we ever think the job market is going to swing back in the employee’s favor?
How do I fix the pen ?
What is something positive about getting older?
Il Makiage
AITA for leaving my boyfriend after finding a woman in our bed?
What is the most frightening sound you've ever heard?
What do we do once compounding ends?
Unstable stock market: should I decrease my contribution to retirement investments?
GLPNorth?? Any more news?
I (F31) don’t think I can make it to my maid of honours (F27) wedding. How do I tell her?
Never having a bagger is so mentally draining
Any good deals right now?
I’m wondering who to go with when deciding to auction off my things
Last day of $11.95! Did you buy?
Do you think employers prefer if you are presently working?
What's one thing a therapist has said to you that you will never forget?
Has anyone not changed their diet
What happens
Getting off Sema
Wondering if I’ll ever poop again….