Cooling off period NSW for small works contract (under 20k)
Even if you Host, men still don’t want to come!
Residential electrical work - reasonable price? (Western Sydney)
Residential - thoughts on price? Western Sydney
Do the expensive Stratco pergolas add value? Are they worth it?
Pentagon Employees Banned from Celebrating Pride Month. Are the GaysForTrump Happy Now?
Ray White staff jumping Josh's ship?
Builder using my house for ads
IGA cashier yelling "PRIORITY ONE" at a group of Sudanese??
What are these and how to remove them?
Ducted air installer put foot through ceiling
Cost of building a pergola
Huge recently dead Gumtree in neighbours yard
Handle slipping on new Whipper Snipper
New ducted aircon - airflow weaker in one room
Another fun day down at the beach. Girl in the last photo even gave me a smile 🏝️
Satisfying rollover coverage after a shower - 10 months restoring
My dad in the 80s in work ID Pic. He passed away 2 weeks ago.
Pergola suggestions? Stratco??
Someone pooped in my thrifted dress
Help with new concrete
11 month old concrete falling apart
Fresh cut
Soft chocolate