How are y'all not triggered by the titles of the posts here? I can't follow this community anymore.
Charlotte, NC - EMG National, Alpine Events - fake companies
Little Lonely in the CLT area
Someone please help me with my 2016 soul and check engine light :(
What in the hell do I do?
Affordable Insurance
Where, if not Raleigh?
This hurts me
AITA for not going to my daughters wedding?
Vent: Our 6 yr. old son is INSUFFERABLE.
Why do I love "I Don't Wanna Leave You On the Farm" so damn much?
To those of you who achieved to get clean. How did you do it/What is your best advice?
Favorite diners in the Triangle?
AITAH for telling my husband to either be an active member of our family or divorce me?
AITA for trying to be more inclusive of a coworker by choosing a kosher restaurant for a group lunch?
Is it just me or is that pure gold location in downtown Cary just so out of place?
Duke doing Rolling Blackouts
Seems Legit
What’s the best app subscription for the most paw patrol episodes?
“It’s even more dismaying that he has used the prestige and moral authority of the presidency to recruit America’s corporations into a racketeering enterprise.”
LAOP wants to know if they can legally ban their ex-girlfriend from having guests at her apartment
Toys I will never buy again
What’s y’all go-to Cook Out tray?
Microdosing for opiate addiction
Ok to check child's browser history