[US, US][H]Trade binder [W]Mainly trades maybe PayPal.
[US, US] (H) Paypal g&s (W) NM raw singles
[US,NA] [H] TagTeam, Alts, SIRs, Sealed Promos [W] Megas, PPFF, Trades
[US,US] [H] Fairly Liquid Cards [W] PayPal FF, small WL
[US , US] [H] XY full arts, Hidden Fates, Sealed Promos, + more [W] PayPal, Sleeved Art Sets, Mint Singles
[US, US] [H] XY full arts, Hidden Fates, Sealed Promos + more [W] PayPal, Sleeved Art Sets, Mint singles
[US,NA] [H] Pikachu & Zekrom Alt, Sealed Promos and trade binder [W] Trades, PP F&F
[US, US] [H] Binder, mostly modern English [W] Wantlist, trades, sealed
[US, US] (H) Gengar Vmax Alt Art, Magikarp IR, Misty's Favor Full Art, Mew Vmax Alt Art, stamped pokemon center promos (W) Paypal
“ShOp At YoUr LoCaL gAmE StOrE” this is just scalping at this point. I’m done with supporting local businesses
[US,US] [H]SIRs, TG, Pokeballs [W] Trades
[US,NA] [H] Prismatic Promos, Pokemon Day Promos, trade binder [W] Trades, PP F&F
[US,US][W] Pokemon sealed promos or NM quality, Mega EX full arts [H] Paypal
(US, US) [W] 151 Cards, Bulk EX’s & V’s [H] PayPal
[US,US] [H] Trades [W] Trades, PP
[US,US] [H] Trade Binder (FAs, IRs, Japanese, Some Pokeballs/Masterballs [W] Wishlist, Trades
[US,US] [H] Paypal [W] Wishlist
Yeah I ignore the FUD and shop at my favorite store, how ‘bout you?
[US,US] (H)Binder (W) Wantlist
New Pokemon Center Promo
I don’t know how to get rid of these
[US, US] [H] Cards & Sealed [W] Trades & PayPal
I found this gem for 30€. Still can’t believe.
Local games store had these in stock, but I ain’t paying $100 for 5 packs
(US, US) [H] modern and vintage [W] trades!