Old money southerners starter pack
Woman for woman dating app experience starter pack
When authright learns that not everyone in the other quadrants is an atheist
I’m guessing that means she stole it
What's your favorite "non-official" Disney princess?
German food is racist
truerateme starterpack
High Schooler in Rural Alaska starter pack (from personal experience)
r/CleverComebacks Starterpack
Mafia Food Starterpack
Small College Campus Newspaper StarterPack
The cool Christian guy starterpack
“You wanna make the media go away? Just mention black on black crime” - Cleveland Brown
Who’s your Disney princess based on their nationality?
18-25 year old girl with a Monroe piercing in the 2000s starter pack
The rumor mill that somehow circulated in every 90's middle school despite no internet StarterPack
The guy always trying to bang other guys girlfriends starterpack
Learning a new language starter pack
Scientists in movies starterpack
I hate when people say “guys who say they like small boobs only say that because they can’t get big ones”
R/Fuckcars User in Real Life Starterpack
When your parents said “because I said so” that was circular reasoning which is a logical fallacy
FWR is historically illiterate and doesn’t understand that the wheel isn’t practical everywhere or how domestication of plants works
Edgy Instagram meme account that you can’t tell if serious or trolling starter pack