Niko na umama
How much is a blood test for pg
What's one weird smell you love ?
Soo, what's your take?
Boarding School Habits That Never Left
Workplace Mental Health Days – More Than Just a Trend
Should Kenya Normalize Mental Health Days at Work?
Who Should Raise Our Kids – Parents or Nannies?
Hate Going To Sleep
Purging, decluttering day
I finally did it!! (marked nsfw for gross depression room just in case)
How does everyone keep things clean?
Ovulating females
Hey, You!
I just miss being understood
Single Ladies
I bought my wife a fridge
My Neighbor Died, and Something Feels Off
Wanawake wanataka nini?
Share one mistake you've made in life so others can avoid it.
Woo hoo! I luv Finch!
Every time we fight, she sends me money. What sort of manipulation is this jameni
Kwani which sample do doctors need for STD tests? Coz I just embarrassed myself in the most Nairobi way possible