If you get stuck on how stupid libs can be, talk to a right winger
Just watched a guy order a bulletproof coffee at a diner
Nineteen years ago this month, a group of U.S. Army soldiers gang-raped a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and murdered her along with her family members.
no you can't post a question that others could find helpful ALL QUESTIONS must be posted in the daily megathread where not a single question has ever been answered
What age did you stop having bday parties?
it's ending
Soviet soldier Anatoly Lebed in Afghanistan, 1980s
I once email Chomsky and he responded
Can the rw posters here tell me why charging protestors with terrorism is a good thing?
Did the fat dumbass really do it?
Does anyone else not really fit in anywhere
Women give the best and most specific compliments
What is the 9gag army doing these days?
so called stomp clap music was never really popular
US ‘to cease all future military exercises in Europe’
Explained to my bf how my mom died because she no longer could afford her chemo and he said he doesn’t want his taxes to go up if we implement free healthcare
Well, this is interesting
ChatGPT has made studying so easy
Painful quote from the book “Secondhand time: The last of the soviets”
Not to be a huge lib, but this is good
My favorite coming of age male experience
This is the most painful video I’ve watched
So the job market is actually quite bad right now (from the Atlantic)
I get jealous when I read some famous person's wiki history and learn they got their start in an industry by cold applying and getting hired easily