What is your "I never liked The Godfather" of metal?
If you had the option to engrave custom text into your weapon, what would it say?
Screw fictional universes you don't wanna live in. Give me one you DO want to live in!
The Scariest Game You've Ever Played?
Do you guys listen to any other genres and do metalheads make fun of you for it?
Double support weapon backpack? What two big guns you carrying?
What film(s) are you choosing?
Whats a game you slept on for far too long and played for the first time, to realize it amazing?
What instantly kills your hype for a game?
I know this question has probably been asked millions of times but what got you into Metal?
What is ruining your mental health?
What's the first game that comes to mind when you see this?
Is it douchey to put a he/him button on my jacket?
Best Screamer in Nu Metal (minus Corey, Chester, and JD)
What albums made you react like this
Guess my age based off my childhood
What's the scariest cartoon episode you've watched?
Today is a special day🎉 PlayStation 2 is celebrating its 25th anniversary! Let’s dive into memories together and recall our favorite games from the massive, absolutely stacked library of PS2! Which games left a mark on your heart?
I Know I’m Late, But What Should I Know Before Starting This Masterpiece?
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
What film are you going with?
Found this pic on my old Nintendo and I wanted to see if I could find it again the only thing I know is that that’s black widow and the other dude might be a space man
How cooked are you?
Name or Source?