Garnt on Ohara's podcast
I made this page into a volume cover
Chapter 196, colored by me
What should we call him?
It would be funny if Nostradamus got his predictions from a certain troll
"I can fix her" he probably thought
we should call him white chainsaw man
Fakesawman identity
Young Connor and Joey visualizing the Man they wanted to become
Connor jumped directly to VA but he had to start somewhere! The beginning.
We need to protect this dude at any cost
Care to join me in admiring this beautiful screenshot of Joey from Aki's latest video?
Do you think Nergigante will return?
This moment made the $70 worth it
Seiko and Kishibe deserve each other💘
Best Apex Ever
I learned that Joey's favorite anime of all time is one of ProZD's most hated anime. I wonder what would happen if they talked about this on the podcast.
attempted to replicate the old art style with this panel
Breaking Wild
If black chainsaw man eats Yoru does it mean WAR against devil will end too?
Anyone else have their minds completely blown by the reveal of their origins?
(MANGA SPOILER WARNING) So who is this girl?