Was the Demon King always there or did he appear recently for Himmel's lifetime?
Different shapes of sparkle: bronze, silver, gold, and hero
Did/could a non mage defeat Frieren ?
My main man Stark!
Questions about demons evaporating and bleeding
Why I think Methode is trouble
Do we think Delilah would've kept her word?
Theory about Ubel's name
Where in the manga is this image (supposedly that's Ewig the sage)?
Is it me, or are these intro/outros a huge mismatch with the show?
Two eyes
Plot Twist Predictions
Found a continuity error at the beginning of the first class mage exam
I see people violating public right of way with home parking constantly. Thoughts on this handout I made?
Macht's whimsical display of deception
About the two groups?
I can’t stop crying
Why didn't Frieren teach Fern the magic to summon a golem? It could save her life one day
Is Torres Overrated, Underrated, or Fairly Rated
HUGE MANGA SPOILERS!!!!!!!! How does everyone feel about that one arc?
Just saw the first episode... Holy sh*t
Rewatching You - Do you think things would have been different if Love didn’t do this in season 2?
Name a more useless (or annoying) character than Jaken in Inuyasha 😂
You gotta admit that was really funny how Joe was pissed that Love made him Clyde to her Bonnie.