24M turning 25M feeling financially behind
Give up on trading
People are so depressed its insane
I'm a 22 year old male that literally does nothing but sit at home all day. What should I do with my life?
Taking a loan for Bitcoin?
Is dating in your late 20s hard for anyone else or am I the problem?
Trading seems to be about 80% psychology and 20% strategy, at least in my experience.
How do you cope with the fact that you can't see the entire world?
What to do with $30k
It's really hard to tell which one of us this could be.
Altcoins with potential
I have 50k in savings… best way to make it grow?
I saved up $80,000 at 23. Now what?
Lost $80K in the Stock Market, ADHD and Trading Are a Deadly Mix
College destroyed my life completely. What now?
Been seeing more and more of these pop up in this city
Have I missed the window for Puts?
How many people can genuinely say that they’ve never cheated and don’t actively lust after everyone?
I ruined my life financially, erased my next 2 years, and don’t know how to move forward
Can normal people still get wealthy from Bitcoin, or is it just a store of value?
the term "trend is your friend" is so under-rated and so widely avoided
Do you attract a specific personality type? Why do you think it is?
How do you
Do you guys still think btc is a scam?
Finding an edge is crazy hard