Pablo's tweet: slams are most likely getting nerfed next bigger update
Who actually enjoys railjack?
Fellow Tenno, what have you named your railjack?
someone has to say it: the rhino heirloom skin is absolute ASS
Box Addict Calling card has almost made me quit Zombies
Lymph Nodes
Swollen lymph nodes 7 months after infection?
You heard of bully squad. Let me present to you : bully killer !
How to earn simaris standing after all personal target completed?
what is your most painful grind in this game ?
Scanning "jade" stalker variant doesn't appear in codex
how likely is it to run into bad plat?
Any chance that I got dirty platinum?
Expecting hate. I’m fine with it.
What's the most Expensive Farmable Mod?
Not getting 50% XP boost
Some bile titans are not dying glitch?
Blops4 Classified computer beeps
Unable to scan more than 3 narmer troops