how do trans individuals affect the patriarchy?
penalty for leaving matches
How my stats for 50 days
r/vinyl Weekly Questions Thread for the week of December 23, 2024
give us the extended cut please!!!
Can I get this group banned+everyone in it??
how come i can't play battle royal?
“It looks like we’ve discovered a new species”
[cats] thoughts on luminalia?
Help me optimize my teams please! (New/Returning Player)
thoughts on my team? (i don't play much so my equips are cringe)
I sure am enjoying DB Legends, Toshi! 😃(game crashed shortly after the first pic)
I know literally no one takes TikTok seriously, but imaging how they will react when Giorno loses.
Glad to see the new era of the show's off to a good start
Are yall really gonna quit on death battle just because of this fight?
What should I do to get better at Fighting in Ranked?
Rage quit on my rank up game
What's a unit you wish didn't exist
What do these 6 combatants have in common?
What was the first Nas song you heard that made your brain realize you’re about to be obsessed?
do i get exiled once im 20?
Since Batman is called like this because he's scared of bats,what will be your superhero name if we follow this logic?
Top 10 Death Battles (100% my opinion; ordered worst to best; honorable mentions below)
I just found out my girlfriend is cutting her self
What’s the worst type of music in your opinion?