How many of you have managed to get godly on these horrible things? Must be over 1200 erasers by now. We really should be receiving more erasers.
Will you be summoning
Soooo we calling this guy UV1?
Did Tamagami #3 gain value, since Ultra Vegeta 1 is GRN?
Well this was unexpected
Show me your best screen?
Least obvious UVB green card:
UL Cell users are afraid of this one simple trick!
We finally executed UMV guys.
With ULTRA Perfect Cell's reveal happening in less than 24 hours, what do y'all think about all the current Perfect Cells so far?
Have a team already made for my goat (he better be f****** red)
Who is the best GT unit in the game so far
Lemme show you young bucks who the real Majin Vegeta(ble) is
tell me a unit and I'll try my best or worst to make an excuse of why that unit is mid
Sooo what now
Just curious, but why do y'all call LF Unique equipments "Plats" when Plats are exclusive to Ultras???
Hot take: The new PVP changes are good
tell me your favourite lf or normal win screen and i'll rate it from 1-10 (preferably with an image)
SSJ4 Goku Mini when?!?!?
What lf unit has the best animations, who has the worst animations?
name me your favourite normal sparking unit and i'll rate them from 1-10
Watch my [goat] come back like God Goku