Hey fam, I'm new to owning an N64. I've now got the holy trinity of N64 games, any other must-haves you can recommend?
Which GoldenEye sequel did you enjoy more: the chronological one(The World Is Not Enough) or the spiritual one (Perfect Dark)? Both turn 25 this year, btw.
Bodybuilders left speechless at the strength of a rock climber
This paper mario ad
Donation crate bug
Xbox Series S on Colani CRT
Am I going to regret this?
Hardest court to unlock
Do you hold onto games that you don't really enjoy? (More in desc.)
The definitive N64 best of list
New Game Came In The Mail✨
Oh the agony, I saw this being trashed while watching Hoarders...
any tips on finding a cheap expansion pak?
Gimme your top five titles on the N64 that are NOT the heavy hitters - no Marios, no Zeldas, no Banjos, Conker, GoldenEye, or Perfect Dark.
recent additions.
Best F-1 game on N64?
Finally beat the first championship 🏆
The OG Tiger
Ridge Racer 64 is fantastic!
N 64 lagging does anyone have any ideas on how to fix I already tried blowing on the cartridge
Are N64 carts the most aesthetically pleasing ever?
$5 pick up for a childhood favorite
What is your opinion on Nintendo's first party N64 lineup if you exclude Rare games?
My New Hori Pads