Does anyone else really hate basing?
My First Space Wolves
"Walked, ran, pissed and killed. I did it all. I met the Allfather, you know. Fought at his side more than once. I do believe he liked me."
New Taco for me 2022 TRD Off Road - 6ft bed. Any ideas?
YT Creator James Turner Stands with Ethan Klein on Philly D video and Discord: His Own Community Turns on Him
My friend, his girlfriend, and his baby moved to Loma Linda last year. He made this post yesterday.
Reselling scans and 3d services
Why does the Invictor get so much hate?
Got this update when I tried to use my $130 sous vide circulator that I bought 4 years ago. $1.99 per month to use something that you fucking own!
Squidmar's latest video is horrifically misleading
Anyone have an idea how to fish this pond with algae bloom?
Am I crazy to think they didn’t knock this one out of the park?
6th Gen vs 5th Gen Comparison Pics
VTOL dropship for my old style talons
What church do you recommended ? Bible study groups?
Ragnar and friends ready for battle!
Tomato tomato
Show me your biggest fattest oldest swords.
Crypto Strategic Reserve will include XRP, SOL, and ADA
My thoughts on the thin Gold Line merch I'm about to be inundated with.
Where are You Finding the Toy Leaks?
Mtg in the high desert
Hasan is speaking about the nuke on tik tok live right now
Any tips for painting the raised great company symbols on the shoulders?