Europeans get what they want and US is out of Europe and NATO. They don’t see the US as reliable anymore.
Walz: ‘We wouldn’t be in this mess if we had won the election’
CMV: MAGA screamed about inflation, but egg prices expose their hypocrisy
Is anyone else deeply disturbed by how empathy and caring if people’s lives are being ruined is seemingly becoming the minority standpoint?
What does GenZ think about the egg prices?
I'm Canadian
Who can explain why tariffs on Canada is of benefit to US?
Remember, all the protests you see are totally legit and organic
Why don't you want to play "World Police" for us anymore?
From the fine folks at LateStageCapitalism;
Please, I’m getting whiplash from how often nothing ever happens keeps happening
Any idea why demonstrations in the US have so few young people?
To the conservatives on this sub who frequent the “largest conservative subreddit”:
Anyone else regretting their vote, fellow magas?
The absolute state of Democrats in 2025:
cmv: Even if we remove Trump's administration from the White House, he has irreparably damaged relationships with our allies.
what is the world we are living in right now???
From an American: I'm sorry
To all the pro-Elon people on this sub-What has he done to make you trust him?
CMV: The reason so many Americans are less critical of Russia now is that they are too stupid to resist Russian propaganda. Double digit IQs never even learn history to begin with, let alone understand its importance.
Terrified of the political climate in the US
This is the most ungrateful community I've ever seen.
Trans rights will always be a point of contention as long as gender and sex are conflated
The fact that Trump won by creating an ad intentionally dividing trans people and everyone else into two separate groups and essentially saying that trans people are your enemy needs to be talked about more.