What are the best island / places in greece to have the best sea and the best greek cuisine? Best price quality ratio
What’s your mars sign and what jobs do you think are most attractive?
What signs do you vibe most with and the least with?
Movie / serie recommendations from Netflix?
What does this mean?
Where in the world are protest currently going on? And whats the reason for it?
How to get really cheap an upgrade to business class? For example with air serbia?
Is nikola tesla airport free and save to go? We will fly saturday and we dont want some trouble.
What are signs that people are not that intelligent?
Share your photogenic cat friend
Have your parents ever apologized to you?
How do u fillfing yout emotional needs without relying on external validation?
Which sign?
Any Scorpios??? What Is Yall Fav ZODIAC SIGN!
What is a quote you try to live by?
Cancer energy
What is you MC (midheaven or 10H) sign and what is your dream job?
Whats an healed evolved scorpio woman in relationships?
What’s your Venus sign and your sexuality?
comment your venus/rising and i’ll tell you what’s an attractive trait you have
Streaming sites?
What kind of cancer woman type am I?
We are so caring
Iemand die ook een zaak niet binnenstapt als er "Halal" op staat
I turn 39 today, and I feel like I’m just getting started! ✨♒️✨