quickplay matchmaking is an aboslute joke.
How did the Immortal go from this to losing every fight.
4th playthrough, gonna do "Very Hard." What's your preferred difficulty?
Can I watch all the animated series after watching the live action movies and series ?
Armored Core 6: I feel like I am doing something fundamentally wrong.
Why does everyone hate rocket?
How didnt michael chandler break his toes when he kicked ferguson in the jaw like that
What did Goldberg have that Ryback didn't?
Props to Rock-Lee for fighting a JINCHURIKI without Ninjutsu or Genjustu
Welp, I’m not touching this game until the next season.
One thing I find funny is the fact that the creator is an evil version of Reed Richards, but he never faced the Fantastic Four.
Average healer experience
Armored Core 6 has some of the best characters ever, in my opinion
Who's winning in a legit fight?
Is there a chin that has never been cracked?
Chooms are gonna look at this and say that Netrunner is the best way of playing Cyberpunk.
Why do I get a penalty for leaving bot games?
They say Thor and Cap is hard to kill but do you think Black Panther is harder to kill? I think he's probably the hardest to kill due to his fast mobility. What do yall think?
Anyone else disappointed by his moveset?
Do you guys think they will add more Spidey characters such as Spidey 2099, Miles, Noir, Gwen or do you think too many Spiderman characters would be an overkill and ruined the game. Imagine 5 Spiderman characters and 2 healers lol
Examples of wrestlers who couldn't take down strikers?
Who winning, Batman or Darkwing?
Kimimaro's kekkei genkai (Shikotsumyaku) was easily one of the coolest, yet most wasted abilities in the series.
Could The Invincible characters defeat Thanos?
Nolan's version of the Lazarus Pit is one of my favourites because Bruce metaphorically heals his soul here to rise from it by confronting his fears